Discover How To Overcome Barriers To Your Strength Training Progress Safely At Any Age


Break Through Plateaus, Build New Muscle, And Reignite Your Progress

Have you been working out for a year or more with good results, only to see your progress slow down dramatically – or worse yet, stop altogether?
Have you ever wondered why that happens?
When you first started, you were making progress in huge leaps and bounds, because your body was adapting to the demands that your workouts were imposing on it.
Compared to what you were doing before, your workouts represented a massive increase in intensity.
So you kept increasing your weights, and your muscles kept getting bigger and stronger, until all of a sudden you got stuck.
And your progress stopped, because your body had fully adapted to the intensity of your current workouts.
And make no mistake about it, intensity is what builds muscle.  You can’t get bigger and stronger muscles using those little pink 2 pound dumbbells.
So in order for you to start making progress again, and continue to build and maintain muscle mass in your later years, you need to crank up the intensity.
Now you’re probably thinking, “but I already train with high intensity.  I always push to my limit, until I can’t possibly lift the weight anymore”.
And I’m sure you do.
But even if you train to failure, until you can’t lift the weight anymore, the truth is there is still a lot of strength left in that muscle.
Your muscles all have 3 levels of strength. When you lift the weight,
you are using the positive level.
When you hold the weight at any point in the range of motion, you are using your static level of strength, which is greater than the positive level.
And when you lower a weight under control, you are using the negative level of strength, which is the greatest of the three.
To renew your progress and reach your full potential, you need to tap into that unused strength.
And since you’re over 50, you want to make sure you find a way to fully utilize all 3 strength levels without getting hurt or wasting time.
I’m going to reveal to you a set of advanced tactics you can incorporate into any strength training program that will tap into all 3 strength levels to stimulate your muscles in a new way, rejuvenate your enthusiasm, and get you back on the satisfying path of regular progress.
Dave Durell Strength after 50

Who am I, and why should you listen to me?

My name is Dave Durell, and I’ve been in the Health and Fitness industry since 1982, including owning a Personal Training business, working as an NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach, and practicing as a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant.
injury rehab-My oldest training client - 96 years old!

My oldest personal training client, Bob S. – 96 years old!

tampa bay buccaneers strength and conditioning staff 2001

Tampa Bay Buccaneers Strength and Conditioning Staff, 2001. Looks like the beard was a little different color back then 🙂

Diana Burgess plane crash

Rehabbing plane crash survivor Diana Burgess. Diana overcame shattered legs and a broken back, and eventually went back to teaching aerobics classes.

Over the years, I’ve had the good fortune of meeting, and learning from, some of the top fitness experts in the world, including champion pro bodybuilders, exercise scientists, and NFL Strength Coaches.
shrug with mike mentzer

Training with Mr. Universe winner Mike Mentzer, the only bodybuilder in history to win the contest with a perfect score.

Talking shop with Gary Jones, inventor of Hammer Strength exercise equipment.

Learning from NFL Strength Coach Dan Riley, 3-time Super Bowl winner with the Washington Redskins.

And a few of them taught me some little-known (but super effective!) advanced tricks of the trade that are particularly well suited for people over 50.
And now, I want to pass them on to YOU.

Introducing the Ageless Strength Mastery Advanced Training Program

The Ageless Strength Mastery Program is the extra spark you need to re-ignite the muscle growth stimulus.  In this program, you will learn how to effectively utilize advanced training methods that will exploit all 3 strength levels, maximizing your muscular development, without spending endless hours in the gym every week. 
You’ll learn all the plateau-busting tactics that make up the Ageless Strength Mastery training system, and I’ll give you 17 sample workouts utilizing free weights, bodyweight exercises and machines, so you can implement Ageless Strength Mastery no matter where you train.
I’ll be your coach throughout the program, explaining and demonstrating everything in great detail to give you all the tools you need to be successful.


Here’s a short video on what’s in the program:

Here’s what you get:


✔️ 12 instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ 11 Sample full-body workouts
✔️ 6 Sample body-part specialization workouts
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: “Advanced Training Protocols I Used In The NFL”


Here’s what’s in each module:


Module 1: Tactics And Principles

  • The 3 Strength Levels And How To Exploit Them
  • Maximizing Leverage And The Effects Of Gravity
  • Balancing Intensity And Recovery For Maximum Gains

Module 2: Techniques

  • Static Holds
  • Strongest Range Reps
  • Negative Training



Module 3: Full-Body Workouts

  • 11 Full-body workouts with printable workout cards

Module 4: Body-Part Specialization Workouts

  • 6 Body-part specialization workouts with printable workout cards




Module 5: Putting It All Together

  • Program summary
  • Closing thoughts




And you also get:


Printable Workout Card Templates 

  • Personalize your program and record your workouts for guaranteed progress





Printable Quick Reference Guides 

  • Quick and easy access to visual reminders for advanced techniques and protocols 





Bonus: Advanced Strength Training Protocols I Used In The NFL 

  • 5 advanced techniques that I personally used to train players while working as a Strength and Conditioning Assistant for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League. Includes video, PDF and sample workout. 
If, like myself, you find yourself wanting to increase the intensity at the gym without all the side effects, a great starting point is the new video mini-course Ageless Strength Mastery by former NFL Conditioning Coach Dave Durell. 
The Ageless Strength Mastery course consists of a series of short videos explaining not only the proper exercise protocols but also the science behind them. These videos are followed by sample workout programs and contain formulas for figuring out proper starting weight so that any guesswork is eliminated. 
What I like most about the program is that it is compact and direct to the point, which is extremely handy when navigating a busy day.
As a 64 year old who has been working out in gyms for over 30 years, I’ve seen many exercise protocols touted during that time. 
I highly recommend  the Ageless Strength Mastery course because I know from a long history of experience, it does indeed work.

Ed, Virginia USA 

Outstanding information Dave imparts with the “Ageless Strength Mastery Advanced Training Program.”
I have been training in some way or form since my teen years (now 60) and really thought I’d seen most everything with respect to high intensity training. I was wrong!
Dave’s advanced methods are well worth it! You owe it to yourself to try some of them out!”

John, New Jersey USA 

Your information has been perfect for me. As a lifetime lifter and fitness fanatic I’m paying the piper when it comes to my joints and body. At 63 I’m fit but semi-broken.
Your advice on how to continue to hit the weight room safely has been a god-send. Thank you so much for what you do Dave!”

Mike, Minnesota USA 

Get Started On The Ageless Strength Mastery Program Today

Ageless Strength Mastery Program

Instant Access To All Program Materials


✔️ 12 instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ 11 Sample full-body workouts
✔️ 6 Sample body-part specialization workouts
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: “Advanced Training Protocols I Used In The NFL”


Order now and discover:


  • How to make the differences in the 3 strength levels work to your advantage on every rep you ever do
  • How to work around the inherent limitations of free weights to make maximum gains, even if you workout alone
  • The one technique that guarantees maximum workout success – or sub-par results if you don’t use it
  • What to do when progress stops
  • How to manage the delicate balance between intense exercise and recovery
  • The advanced training principle you need to know to build muscular strength without wrecking your joints
  • Why working out too often is the worst mistake you can make
  • How to bring any lagging body part up to par in record time
  • The exact formula for figuring out how much weight to use, and when to increase it
  • Demonstrations and easy to follow instructions for every single advanced technique in the program
  • How to  make dramatic, measurable, continuous progress in under 45 minutes once or twice a week
The training has been going well.  A big change for me is going to a single set of higher weights and moving slower through each repetition.  The training takes me much less time but I am making significant progress.”
Greg, Canada
I met Dave Durell about 30 years ago at a conference in Tampa, Florida, and was quickly impressed by his knowledge of strength and fitness.  He’s now made that knowledge available to the masses with his new online course.
Although the course is geared toward those who are 50 years old and above, anyone can benefit from the effective, evidence-based information that it contains. 
Dave’s course is professionally done — he’s a natural in front of a camera — well organized and crammed with useful material.  Especially appealing are the numerous workouts that are included in the course.
There’s a growing number of so-called “fitness influencers” on the internet, the vast majority of whom have no formal education whatsoever in exercise science;  frankly, their credentials are entirely based on how they look in their underwear. 
Moreover, their information is largely anecdote-based, not evidence-based.  What works for them doesn’t mean it’ll work for you.
On the other hand, the information that Dave shares is heavily rooted in science; he’s the guy who you want as your fitness influencer.
Having worked in strength and fitness at the collegiate level since 1983, it is my professional opinion that Dave Durell’s course is a bona fide winner and highly recommend it to people of all ages without reservation.
Matt Brzycki, Assistant Director of  Campus Recreation/Fitness, Princeton University, Author of 20+ Fitness Books



How is this course different than other strength training courses on the internet?

You can find plenty of “muscle building” training courses on the internet, that’s for sure.  But the training methods they show may be unsafe or orthopedically unsound, and some of the techniques may be problematic for older people because it hurts to do them.  So you can build some muscle, but you kill your joints long-term and get injured periodically.  That’s no good, because as I’m sure you know it takes us older folks longer to recover.

The Advanced Strength Mastery Program is different because the advanced techniques are tacked on to the end of the sets you are already doing.  By performing a set of full range reps first, and saving the advanced techniques for the end of that set (when full range reps are no longer possible), you will avoid the need for dangerously heavy weights.

I’m in my 60’s, and have taken the needs of older trainees into account when creating this course.  It’s designed to be hard on your muscles and easy on your joints – not the other way around – which is exactly what us over-50’s need. 

Will these advanced techniques increase my risk of injury?

The techniques I discuss in program are designed with safety in mind.  

By working with thousands of physical therapy patients and personal training clients over the years, I’ve learned how to create workout programs that are optimally safe, effective, time-efficient, and sustainable.

Also, I always emphasize gradual progression.  You want to incrementally increase the intensity, allowing your body to adapt safely over time.

Can these techniques really help me get unstuck and start making gains again?

Building and maintaining strength and muscle mass as we age can be challenging, but it’s absolutely possible with the right approach.  And if you’re stuck in a rut, it’s most likely because you’re body has adapted to the stimulus you’re presenting to it every week.

No doubt you’re working hard, probably even pushing yourself to your limit, until you can’t lift the weight anymore. But the truth is, even if you train to failure, until you can’t lift the weight anymore, there is still a lot of strength left in that muscle.  And to renew your progress and reach your full potential, you need to tap into that unused strength.

These techniques do exactly that, and are based on established principles of exercise science.  These aren’t fad workouts; they’re proven strategies that have helped many people just like you.

And, the tactics are tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals over 50.  Since we don’t recover as easily from intense workouts as we did in our 20’s, we need a way to make our muscles work as hard as possible without making our workouts too long.

And that’s what these advanced techniques do.

Get Started On The Ageless Strength Mastery Program Today

Ageless Strength Mastery Program

Instant Access To All Program Materials


✔️ 12 instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ 11 Sample full-body workouts
✔️ 6 Sample body-part specialization workouts
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: “Advanced Training Protocols I Used In The NFL”


I can’t help you until you take the first step

It might seem like waiting a little while to start a workout program like this is no big deal.
Maybe the timing just isn’t quite right for you right now.
Actually, it is a big deal.
The thing is, every day you let go by without doing something to get better, you don’t stay the same – you get worse.
Because you’re a day older.
Listen, we’re in our later years now.  None of us know how much time we have left, but once we’re over 50 chances are there are more days behind us than ahead of us.
Let’s make the most of every single one of them.
Don’t let a lack of strength or energy, or too many aches and pains, stand in the way of you experiencing all that life has to offer from here on out.  
Let’s get you started today.  I’m here to help every step of the way.

You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you decide the course is not for you, you can cancel and get a full refund anytime within 14 days of your purchase, no questions asked.  If you have any technical issues with the course videos, downloads etc., just email me and I’ll fix the problem to your satisfaction.
Dave Durell Stay Strong Forever Course

So let’s recap:

The Ageless Strength Mastery Program is a password-protected online course that can be accessed from your computer, tablet or smart phone.  Once you order you’ll receive an email with your access instructions to instantly view your Ageless Strength Mastery Program videos, view and download your PDF’s, and edit and print out your personalized workout cards.
You’ll get instant, unlimited access to 12 instructional videos; printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and  PDF format; sample workout cards, and printable Quick Reference Guides.
And if you order now, you’ll also get the special Bonus: Advanced Strength Training Protocols I Used In The NFL.

Picture yourself a few short weeks from now…..

Once you get going on this program, you’ll rejuvenate your enthusiasm, stimulate your muscles in a new way, and get back on the satisfying path of regular progress.  You’ll feel strong, youthful, and fully alive, ready to charge forward and enjoy life to the fullest, on a workout plan that’s easy to followsafe, and doesn’t take up much of your precious time.
Just click the blue button below, and you’ll be on your way.

Get Started On The Ageless Strength Mastery Program Today

Ageless Strength Mastery Program

Instant Access To All Program Materials


✔️ 12 instructional videos
✔️ Printable, editable workout card templates in Excel and PDF format
✔️ 11 Sample full-body workouts
✔️ 6 Sample body-part specialization workouts
✔️ Printable Quick Reference Guides
✔️ Lifetime Access and 24/7 Login
✔️  14-Day Money Back Guarantee
✔️  *Special Bonus*: “Advanced Training Protocols I Used In The NFL”
