What’s the best strength training program for runners at any age? (Especially runners over 50)
To my way of thinking, the best program for anything – including strength training – is one which gives you the best possible results, as quickly as possible, with the least possible amount of effort.
So when it comes to creating an effective strength training program for runners, you first have to figure out exactly what kind of results you’re looking for. Having set up a strength training program for many, many runners over the years, I believe the biggest benefits of weight lifting for runners are increased resistance to injury and the improvement in muscular force production, which will increase running power.
Another big question is, how do you structure strength training and running? You need to be careful that the strength training program doesn’t detract from the running program, but instead supports it. So the strength training workout for runners needs to be intense enough to stimulate the muscles to get stronger, while being brief and infrequent enough to not interfere with running performance or recovery.
So what kind of strength training should runners do? That’s what I had an opportunity to discuss recently on the 6 AM Run Podcast with the founder and CEO of 6AMRun.com, Hami Mahani. (Other podcasts I’ve been on include Retirement Wisdom, Fathers After 50, and Truth Not Trends.)
If you’re a serious runner, you probably already know about 6AMRun.com. It’s a super popular running website that focuses on nutritional products and training gear for runners. More recently, Hami has started the 6 AM Run podcast, and has had a ton of great guests on there, ranging from experts on different aspects of running to runners with inspiring stories to tell. If you’re into running you should definitely check it out.
Here’s some of the things we covered:
- Why strength training is an essential component of a comprehensive running program
- How adding strength training enhances the entire running experience
- How to integrate strength training with the different phases of your pre-race running program
- What my professional journey in the fields of fitness, physical therapy and professional football taught me that helps me design effective workouts for my clients who run
- Why I view recreational runners as heroes
- And much more.
Click HERE to listen to the podcast, or check it out on your favorite podcast platform –
Then leave a comment below and let me know what you thought of it.
P.S. – If you’d like a strength training program for runners pdf, just print out this guest post I wrote for 6AMRun.com:
How to start a strength training program for runners to prevent injury and improve performance